Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Emergence of a Unique Cultural Life in the South America Essay

The Emergence of a Unique Cultural Life in the South America - Essay Example The number of the people who migrated was in terms of millions. For the Asians and the Europeans who moved to South America had to go across the ocean. Many of those who migrated to America preferred residing in the Western side of America and some parts of the North Eastern side. However, others felt more attracted to move to the Southern side of America (Cobb 75). These people include; Greeks, Italians, Cubans, Jews, and Asians among many others. However, the number of the immigrants to South America was less than the number of Southern African Americans who lived in poverty. In South America, there was a lot of poverty and the wages were too low to attract immigrants. There were very few opportunities for the immigrants since black Americans and a few of the local whites are the once who worked in the agricultural sectors as laborers and employees in the textile industry respectively. By 1860, only five percent of the population was made of the immigrants unlike in the North and E ast parts of America whereby the percentage of the population made up by the immigrants was fourteen. Actually, to the South American government, that was very disappointing considering that the government tried as much as possible to attract more foreigners (Cobb 99). After the coming of foreigners to South America, several factors influenced the culture of the region in an impacting way. One of the factors is racism. Amongst the Asian foreigners, the highest number was made of Chinese people. There were few Chinese women as compared to Chinese men. Eventually, most of the Chinese men married black American women who were black in complexion. In some few cases, Chinese men married the local whites in South America. The children born as a result of the intermarriage were neither white nor black. White schools could not enroll the Chinese children to their schools because they did not know the best way to classify the children (Edward 97). As a result of intermarriages, new groups of people came up who were more different in their way of life. Language is another factor that leads to the unique culture in South America. Converging of different cultures and different lifestyles in the region made the culture unique. Though others tried to copy and cope with different cultures, new cultures were developed. The blacks were able to grow foodstuffs such as corn and cassava. Asians came up with a way of getting rid of the poisonous parts found in the foodstuffs. The blacks had to adapt the culture of the Asians in a way to benefit them (Edward 101). Normally, when different types of people occupy a place, it occurs that one is not confined in his or her culture. Therefore, there was a lot of evolving in different cultures in order to make life better. Different religions, which existed in South America, caused a lot in the culture. Since there were religions, which worked well with a certain group of people, this affected the culture of the people. Some groups of peo ple did not value others depending on their religions and many denominations. This lead to conflicts because different churches had their own way of doing and showing their here was a time that protestants could not mind the church to attend since the protestant churches had common practices. Eventually, there being sub division in the churches and different faiths, disparities arose thus different churches were meant for different groups (Edward 185). By the late 19th century, indiscipline in churches started because the worshippers started being against each other. This caused internal indiscipline in the region. Each church believed that its faith was the most correct and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Our Beliefs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 63

Our Beliefs - Essay Example According to the paper defying the norms of philosophical side of a person has been aided by the predicating idea about nihilism. Fathers and Sons is a whole new act of silenced revolution against various political dilemmas that blighted Russia in the past. This particular study shall be focused on Yevgeny Vassilyich Bazarov, a character in the story who presented strong defiance and negations against presumably futile facets of human life. Such things he tried to flout are those relating to abstractive features of life like love, attraction and hatred which presented haziness. From this study it is clear that Albeit, Bazarov was very arrogant and stubborn on his beliefs, he has presented an inspirational significance to the motive of the story. We have initially caught a glimpse of him owing to Arkady’s eyes. Further, we shortly realized that Arkady is among his followers. When the two of them parted and lived their own separate lives, we commence to notice the objectivity of Bazarov. He possesses the qualities of a frontrunner. He holds an authoritative disposition as well as a gist of prominence. The essence of his imposing personality resonated through his unassailable statements just like when he establishes his points on some philosophical views, he said to Pavel â€Å"In these days the most useful thing we can do is to repudiate – and so we repudiate†.Regardless of whether Bazarov appeals to be someone loathsome or endearing, he retains a definite allure that is conspicuous and indisputable.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Debate Of Whether Psychology Is A Science

Debate Of Whether Psychology Is A Science Empiricism and Positivism are the two major philosophical influences on psychology; the empiricists brought the concept that all ideas are derived from experience. Experience is the basis of all knowledge. And the positivists further explained that sensory experience which can be shared with others can be objectively studied by observing their overt behavior. Determinism, indeterminism and nondeterminism hold different view on whether psychology is a science. Some aspects of psychology are scientific and some are not. Behaviorist, for example, used scientific method to understand human, while humanists do not used this kind of methodology. It is clearly that psychology is not a pure science instead it scientifically studies the nature of human and animals. Introduction In trying to answer the important and complex question of whether psychology is a science, we will first take a brief look at two major philosophical influences that help to create psychology- Empiricism and Positivism. Then study the view of determinism, indeterminism and nondeterminism of different psychologists to discuss the mind and subject matter of psychology. And finally, try to compare determinism and free will and conclude writers view on this original question Is psychology a science?. Empiricism John Locke, David Hume and David Hartley etc were the British empiricists who stressed that the important of experience in the attainment of knowledge. And the only source of true knowledge about the world is sensory experience which is information that comes to our senses or our inferences between the relationships of sensory facts. The word empirical is often used with the concept of science which implies that science used observation, measurement of the world and collecting data in the environment. This view is contrast with the Rationalists who believed that knowledge is innate and inborn. Locke maintained that the mind at birth was purely nothing, but experiences color it. This idea built into the behaviorist view of learning, like children can be made into anything that environment want it to be. The implication of empiricism on psychology include, firstly, the idea of conscious mind into simple ideas or overt behavior into stimuli response behavior and secondly, provided us the theory of association for explaining how simple elements can be combined to form complex elements or compounds. Thus the empiricist provided for psychology both a theory and methodology that most behaviorists made used of and is still influence todays psychology. Positivism Comte, the positivist, claimed that the only things we can be sure of is thing that can publicly observable. That is, sense experience that can be shared with other people. The data of science is observable and therefore can be trusted and only scientific information can be considered valid. Anything that is not publicly observable is suspect and is rejected because it is not a proper object to study. He did not believe psychology could not become a science because the only way to study the mind is using unreliable method of introspection. To study individual, it can be objectively studied by observing their overt behavior or through phrenological analysis. There are two significant impact of positivism on psychology: firstly, Darwins evolution theory enabled psychology to be placed in field of biological science. Secondly, psychology can be treated experimentally under Wundts psychology laboratory. Determinism All determinists believe that all behavior is caused and there are three kinds of determinism: the first one is biological determinism which emphasizes that behavior can be caused by physiological conditions or genetic predisposition, for example, mental illness was caused because of the lack of neurotransmitter, dopamine, in the brain. And that people will suffer abnormal behavior. Most human behavior is genetically inherited. The second one is environmental determinism, stressed that the environmental stimulus as the determinants of human behavior. For example, behavior theory emphasizes that environmental stimulus determine our behavior. The third determinism is sociocultural determinism, it is a form of environmental determinism, but emphasizes on the cultural factors like rules, regulations and beliefs that govern human behavior. For example, everyone keep quite in the library automatically because the social norm of our culture is no talking in the library. So, the environment factor guides our behaviors. Freud and Skinner, who are both determinists, agreed with the view that human behavior is caused. The neo-behaviorist B. F. Skinner held the view that the person is not free. In his book Beyond freedom and Dignity (1971), he argues that behavioral freedom is an illusion. His famous concept of operant conditioning, suggested that when negative reinforcers are consider along with rewards, then almost all behavior is controlled by association of reinforcement which occur constantly in the environment. What we think that we are behaving freely is not accurate because we are merely free of negative reinforcement or its threat; our behavior is still determined by the pursuit of things that have been positively reinforcing in the past, and consists of responses that have previously been positively reinforced. When we perceive others as behaving freely we are merely unaware of their reinforcement histories and the association that govern their behavior. So, Skinner concluded that behavioral freedom is an illusion. Other determinist, Freud, also rejects the possibility of free will. Every cause of humans behavior comes from within the individuals own unconscious mind; for Skinners view, they are external. However, from the view of inductive nature of science, it is clear that total predictability is impossible. The past does not logically predict the future, if it is true for physics, does it still true for human behavior? And how much more true it is? So if the main requirement of determinism is that behavior should be completely predictable, it does not seem to bring the same reason to the free will view after all. Indeterminism Some psychologists believe that human behavior is determined but since the universe is complex, we cannot accurately measure all the cause of our behavior. As Heisnberg said, despite human behavior is determined, we cannot know at least some of causes of behavior because we change that behavior when we are attempting to observe them. Psychologists who accepted this view believing that there are some specific causes of behavior but that we cannot accurately known. For example, when studying humans thought and behavior, just like social psychologists does in their experiment; one dependent variable can be caused by many independent variables. The problem of youngsters drug abuse can be caused by peer influence, family problem, personal attitudes or others factors. The drug abuse behavior is determined, but we cannot accurately measure or discover all the causes. Determinism versus Nondeterminism (Free will) Our everyday common sense understanding is that people have the ability to choose their own course of action, to determine their lives and, to this extent, have free will. Free will could be exercised within physical, political, environmental and other sociological factors. Sometimes, when we think about the concept of free will, it is also linked to the concept of responsibility; we normally think that people are responsible for what they do since they are the cause of what they do, that is they are not driven by any outsides factors. Most humanists or existentialists, like Carl Rogers, Rollo May and George Kelly etc assume that human behaviors are freely chosen and therefore cannot be tested by scientific method. This belief in free will is contrary to the view of determinism. Therefore, these psychologists are considered nonscientific. These psychologists are strongly influenced by the concept that our nature of experience and our knowledge of the external world are determined on how we interpret and define it. The universe is occupied only by the minds, and physical objects depend on and exist in individuals mind. But the view of positivism in the nature of scientific psychology is different. They imply that behavior is determined by external events or stimuli and that people response to it passively and, to this extent, are not free. Determinism also implies that behavior is totally predictable, as they occur in a regular, orderly manner. And every human action has a cause. An important distinction can be made between compulsion on the one hand and determinism on the other hand. Free actions are free from compulsion, but this is consistent with them being determined. The view which William James proposed called soft determinism. He argued that the question of free action is depending on the type of cause our behavior has. If our actions have as their proximate cause something like conscious mind, we can see them as free, rational, voluntary, purposive actions. Is psychology a science? Is psychology science? Some aspects of psychology are scientific and some are not. The psychologist used scientific method have provided very much useful information in every major area of psychology, for example, memory, personality, learning, perception, intelligence, motivation and psychotherapy. Structuralism, behaviorism and cognitive psychology used scientific method to study the nature of human being. In structuralism, psychologists try to identify the elements of the humans conscious thoughts and feelings. Then, its work is replaced by behaviorism which its emphasis on the objective observation of the behaviors of adults, children and animals. While cognitive psychologists recognize that cognitive process can be inferred from observable behavior and be studied under experimental setting. And these three aspects have a clear definition of subject-matter, a fundamental assumption of learning, it allows prediction and control and it is a methodology, with the controlled experiment. Psychology cannot be concluded as a totally science, some even said that psychology is rather a pseudo-science or it is still in a pre-scientific stage. Since some aspects of psychology, for example the subjective mind cannot be tested scientifically as it can change from time to time. When answering the question Is psychology a science? It can be concluded that psychology is not a normal science. Whether or not we consider psychology as a science depend on which aspect of psychology we are focusing on. Clearly that not all psychologists are methodological, for example, psychoanalytic and humanistic psychologists. If we change the question to Is psychology science? It is surely answered that psychology is scientific. Conclusion

Friday, October 25, 2019

Information Warfare Essay -- essays research papers

As we entered the third wave, we traded in our pens and notebooks, for keyboards and CPU’s. A simple wire connected from a phoneline to a modem to your CPU, brings the whole world into your hands. And you into the worlds hand as well. Political realism is defined as doing what is necessary for survival. One must depend on themselves, because no one else will look out for them. Information Warfare has become a massly used tactic by individuals as well as companies looking out for their own survival, in a world of commerce, and politics. Information Warfare is an innovative and dangerous new way to harm your opponents. When one thinks of warfare the mind is usually bombarded by thoughts of M16’s, grenades, and hand to hand combat. In this new era of technology that we are living in warfare has come to mean so much more. Information warfare is the use of any type of information used to injure your opponent’s progress and further your own. The power of Information Warfare spans a broad scope of uses, from the gathering information about companies, to personal blackmail. It’s used not only by individuals against other persons, but companies and even the nation as well. As the third wave, defined by Tofflers, becomes more widely spread across the nation and world we can only expect a far larger usage of such technological tactics, being used in the home, workplace, and even international politics. Schwartau’s definition of Information Warfare is, “the use of information, and information syst ems as both weapons and targets in a conflict,'; (Schwartau 12). We are now living in a time when knowledge is power, and what is knowledge made up of? Quite simply, information.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Information Warfare is not only becoming more rampantly used among people, but they are using different types as well. There are three different classifications of Information Warfare. The first one deals with personal information warfare. This is inclusive with all the information that is available about an individual. Class two deals with corporate information warfare, which involves how information effects companies, businesses, and all economic interests. Of all the classes the third one has the broadest margin. The third class is global information warfare. This purpose of this class is to deal with all a... ... being able to visit such cites that would have pornography, and/or other material unsuitable for youngsters. The school has installed a program so that if the kids were to access prohibited cites an automatic alarm would notify Education Queensland’s network administrators. By taking control of the cites that the children can visit, the school system is helping to keep the children from visiting undesireable cites.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are programs available to those parents who feel it is necessary to monitor their childs use of the Internet. Cybersitter can be purchased for around $39.95, and can help to regulate your web browser keeping your childs access to the world wide web restricted. There is even and option in which incoming and outgoing e-mails for inappropriate material.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While it is possible to intercept and not allow such things on the internet on the Internet such as pornography, or material containing racist or violent content, in order to really do so the entire net would have to be controlled. An important question that has to be asked is who will do the monitoring, and what will they base their criteria on.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comprehensive Proposal for the Development of an Early Childhood Education Program Essay

Do you realize how important the first few years of your child’s life are? We at Lighthouse Learning Academy understand how important these years are. The early years are when the foundation for your child’s life is being implemented. That is why at Lighthouse Learning Academy we provide programs from ages 6 weeks through 12 years old. Our Early Care program services infants from 6 weeks through 24 months. This program is designed to make sure that each child’s physical and developmental needs are met. Daily schedules are adjusted to meet each child’s sleeping and eating patterns. At the appropriate time, toddlers are introduced to different concepts and skills that will help them as they prepare to move to the next program. Our Preschool program serves children from the age of 2 through 5 years of age. Each age group will be divided into classrooms. Once the child is 4 years of age (by September 1st), he/she will enter our stated funded Pre-K program. Each class will use a theme based curriculum designed to introduce concepts and skills based on each child’s age and development. Daily schedules will be designed with a balance of teacher-directed and child-directed activities. Lighthouse Learning Academy understands that we serve a community that works various and long hours. We gladly provide before and after school care for families that require assistance. During the after school program we provide various activities and projects to enhance life skills as well as, an established time for children to do homework and tutoring is also available if your child needs help. Transportation services are available to and from local elementary schools. Lighthouse Learning Academy hopes to make getting to and from work less strenuous for working parents by providing the operating hours of 5:30 am to 6:30 pm. Being that we set out to service our community, the vision of Lighthouse Learning Academy is to make it possible for all children, youth, and families to reach their potential in a safe, nurturing, and affordable environment. Our mission at Lighthouse Learning Academy is to afford children with the premier quality early care and education, to serve as an accommodating system and source for families, strengthening the communities that we serve, and to work interchangeable with other networks and services to make certain that high quality preschool education remains safe and affordable for all families. We believe that from infancy, and through the school years, we are helping to chart a successful outcome for our children. We work with parents from pregnancy to make sure that their children are placed in a compassionate, encouraging, and nurturing environment. We offer a curriculum that focuses on all of the developmental domains, and an age specific method that helps children move forward from one milestone to the next in a way that has been confirmed to establish a strong basis for lifelong learning. We believe that there is a vital link between these values and the ongoing commitment of our staff. Therefore, our staff is encouraged and supported as they further their educational understanding of early childhood education. Lighthouse Learning Academy staff members serve as coaches and mentors to each other; enabling them to share ideas, experiences, and up to the minute knowledge of new research, policies and best practices. In addition, we provide on going skill set training for staff through meetings, newsletters, and state specified trainings. We do our best to provide parents with resources pertaining to high quality health and dental care, as well as nutrition, cognitively stimulating home environments, access to services, strong social connections, and safety precautions for children. New parents, or parents that are new to our neighborhoods, can rely on us for information and support during life’s transitions. Lighthouse Learning Academy is one of the strongest advocates for children and families in the area that we serve. We are aware of the responsibilities that we have to our families and children to be a voice for affordable, high quality preschool services. We take pride in working with local support agencies, legislatures, and school systems to provide safe, strong, and constant services for children from birth through the school years. We take pride in our parents, our staff, and the valuable chance that we have to be a part of your child’s development. The influence that we can have as partners for children is beyond measure. At Lighthouse Learning Academy we think that all children have a right to respect, in spite of their skill levels. We provide an environment that is safe yet thought-provoking, and a curriculum that challenges them through creativity and learning through play. Consequently, our program supports the following philosophy about children and their growth: 1. Each child has a unique learning style, learns at a different pace, by different methods and at different ages of maturation. 2. A positive attitude develops in children, who can fulfill their goals, complete tasks on their own, and work with others and receive positive feelings from others. 3. Children learn self-discipline through understanding, commitment, and reinforcement. 4. Children gain their independence by being allowed to do things for themselves as they are capable of, but keeping in mind new skills. In a safe, caring, respectful environment, children have the greatest chance to grow and develop. Such a setting should be the basis of all childcare programs. We, as educators, should do our best to create an environment that is rewarding, inspiring and supporting of all possible learning and growing opportunities. An encouraging learning environment is provided through a well design physical environment, the instructional materials, equipment, relationships established between everyone, and daily routines. It is in this environment that each child’s growth takes place. The basis for creating learning environments that promotes growth comes from the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC’s) philosophy of child development and learning that contains developmentally appropriate practice. A developmentally appropriate learning environment: (1) Provides learning centers that encourage mixing of multiple content areas, the library should contain a variety of books such as big books, picture books, books with words for teacher to read, books covering a wide range of topics, headsets with audiotapes; in blocks there will be large unit blocks, hollow blocks, different types of vehicles, pencil, paper and books related to construction. (2) Provides both active and quiet activities, the library should be an area for children wanting to read alone or quietly listen to a book read by the teacher or enjoy music through head sets; while the block area promotes lots of movement to complete projects. (3) Provides materials that encourage awareness and knowledge of diversity through books about different cultures, as well as dolls of different races, and musical instruments from a variety of cultures. (4) Ensures that children have easy access to materials. (5) Makes sure that there are plenty of materials available. (6) Offers children the chances for isolated and group play in view of an adult. (7) Makes sure that there is adequate space for individual, small- and large-group experiences, both inside and outside. (8) Displays classroom materials and children’s art at children’s eye level. (9) Promotes literacy in the environment through a variety of sources for print and audio. The infant room through the 4 year old room will be comprised of teachers that are highly qualified. This program employs qualified persons who are 18 years of age or older, who have been taught in Early Childhood Education, and who show the personal characteristics for working with children†¦. Employees working with school-age children have been trained in early childhood, child development, or a related field. The amount of schooling will vary depending on the level of responsibility of the position. Employees of a large group of children should have at least a CDA or an associate degree in Early Childhood Education. The Pre-K classrooms will have a Lead Teacher and an Assistant Teacher. The Lead Teacher will be required to possess a two- or four-year degree in the early childhood field. All assistant teachers must possess at least a CDA. Teaching is full of many responsibilities, roles, and challenges. As an early childhood educator, you will be required to wear many hats. As a teacher, you should be prepared to be flexible. It is important to remember that your job description may change if you are needed in other areas to fill in. Early childhood teachers assist learning by providing activities and materials that children find appealing. By supplying a developmentally appropriate environment, interesting materials, and time to explore, and play, children find learning easy and fun! Teachers have to communicate with many people throughout the day, ranging from parents to administrators, as well as the children. Early childhood teachers must be ready to communicate with all of these people. You should feel at ease opening up, asking questions, and sharing your experiences. Paperwork, lesson planning, preparing materials and the environment, require teachers to have strong management skills. Managing a classroom requires organizational skills, and commitment. There are many balloons floating in the air and it is your task to keep them up! Discipline is the guidance, encouragement, and support that adults use to influence children. Appropriate discipline helps children learn how to interact and develop self-control. The staff at Lighthouse Learning Academy understands these concepts and uses the following discipline strategies: First and most importantly, the staff creates a positive and safe environment in which all competencies can be fostered and where there is little opportunity for misbehavior. Secondly, teachers always model appropriate behavior, both verbal and non-verbal, including body language. Teachers set limits, which reflect realistic expectations for the age and development of each child. When there is conflict between children, teachers will utilize Dan Gartrell’s Five Finger Formula. The five finger formula involves five steps. The first step is to cool everyone down. No one can negotiate when they are upset. The second step involves having everyone involved to agree what the conflict is about. Thirdly, you would want to involve everyone in coming up with possible solutions to the problem. Fourth, you would want every to agree on the solution. And finally, you must try out the solution that everyone agreed upon. This technique teaches children how to solve problems on their own. If these strategies are not successful, a child may be removed from the group and guided to a quite area with an independent activity. If your child continues to have problems, we will contact you. We will do our best to work with you to correct the behavior issues. If there is still no change in the behavior, a short suspension may be used at the judgment of the director. If a child is not adapting or benefiting from our program, we reserve the right to disenroll the child from the program, also at the discretion of the programs director. Communication between the parent and the caregiver is important to having a successful child care arrangement. After an adjustment period, your child should be able to make the move from home to child care fairly easily. The staff will be providing support to you by discussing your child’s progress and will recognize the parent as the primary caregiver. A tour of the center is a vital part of the orientation process. It is at this time when you will meet the staff members that will be responsible for educating your child as well as view the classroom environment. We suggest that you bring your child along so that, he/she can become familiar with the teacher and the classroom. A tour can be arranged at anytime, just call to set up a scheduled time or just drop in. Our staff welcomes you with open arms. Lighthouse Learning Academy will distribute monthly newsletters so that you will be aware of what is happening with our program. The newsletter will inform you of the themes that will be introduced to your child each month. It will also detail ways in which you can assist the program, as well as upcoming events. Teachers may opt to send home either weekly or a monthly newsletter, keeping you aware of the happenings in the classroom. Through newsletters we are able to keep you updated of the programs effort to make sure that your child’s light shines. Assessment is the method of collecting data about children in order to determine where they are developmentally and to make decisions about their education. Teachers obtain useful data about children’s skills, and progress by observing, documenting, and reviewing children’s work over time. Ongoing assessment that happens in the context of classroom activities can provide an accurate and fair picture of the children’s abilities and progress. The purposes for assessment in programs for young children are: instructional planning and communicating with parents. This helps to determine, what are the child’s strengths, needs, and learning processes, as well as how is this child doing, and how will this child’s instruction and guidance be planned? Another purpose is identification of children with special needs. This allows for assessing whether the child’s needs can be met in the program and if not, how does this program need to be adapted, or what program is required? The third purpose is program evaluation and accountability. This assessment allows for assessing whether the program, as now implemented, is meeting its goals and objectives? One of the assessment techniques that we use is the student portfolio. The portfolio is a system for the collection of the child’s work. Work samples are products of children’s work that mirrors situations in the learning environment, rather than manufactured instructional situations. The collection of work samples along with the recorded observations of children’s interactions and comments shows the child’s progress over time and in a variety of settings. The key to the use of information collected through this approach is the teacher’s knowledge of child development and skill as an observer. Parent conferences will provide you with the opportunity to discuss and learn about your child’s portfolio and how it is used in assessing your child’s development. Observations will also be used as an assessment tool. Observations can be an assessment tool used while a child is playing usually in his/her natural environment. The observer is able to see the interactions between the children as well as noting speech and language, and motor skills. Lighthouse Learning Academy wants to make sure that your child will receive the individualized attention that they deserve, so we have established groupings of children for care which comply with the following staff ratios for every age group. For infants to one and a half year olds, the teacher-child ratio will be 3 to 6 infants for 1 teacher. There is a maximum of twelve infants in one room. If there are more than six infants, another teacher will be placed in the classroom. For one year olds that are walking, the ratio will be 1 teacher to 8 children, with a limit not to exceed sixteen children. For two year olds, the ratio will be 1 teacher to every ten toddlers, with no more than twenty in the classroom. For the three year old classroom, the ratio will be 1 teacher for every 15 children, with no more than thirty. And in the four year old room as well as the pre-k program, the ratio is 1 teacher to eighteen children. In the pre-k program there are always two teachers. Children may be mixed in age groups only during early morning arrivals and late afternoon times of departure. When mixing age groups, you must go by the staff: child ratio and group size based upon the age of the youngest child in the group. During rest time the staff: child ratio may be doubled the number of children as long as there is one staff member in the classroom. Lighthouse Learning Academy prides itself on providing a safe learning environment for your child. But we know that accidents and injuries will occur. If an accident occurs at our center, we will follow the following guidelines depending on the severity of the injury. First and foremost, our staff and teachers are trained to apply first aid to minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, and bruises. The director will report to you at the end of the day or during the day based on the nature of the injury. If your child is seriously injured and it requires medical attention, you will be notified immediately and emergency personnel will be contacted. In cases where you child has to be taken to the emergency room, we require you to sign an authorization form so that we may act during your absence. This form is provided in your enrollment package. References Decker, C. A. , Decker, J. R. , Freeman, N. K. , & Knopf, H. T. (2009). Planning and administering early childhood programs (9th ed. ). Columbus: Pearson. Gartrell, Dan. Guidance Matters. March 2006, retrieved on October 16, 2010 from http://www. naeyc. org/files/yc/file/200603/GuidanceBTJ. pdf.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Does Malling Affect the Filipino Culture

Eve asked them what they usually do when going to different malls. The common answer that Eve heard is to hang out with their friends or sometimes with their family. They seldom buy unimportant things but Just to window shopping and there they already enjoy it.Other's eat at the KEF because they said that it's more affordable and at the same time the quality is good. Other's buy the things they need for their studies. They have common answers and there I figured out something that affects the Filipinos culture. Way back old days, mall is not yet well known buy a lot of people. Only those who are in the upper class are able to go and shop. But as the years pass by, malls are now available for all the class type of Filipinos. Upper, middle or lower class, they are now able to afford and go to malls.As now, children with the age of 12 and upper are owe going out and have fun In the mall. Filipino families in the old times hangout, going to park or different beautiful views of nature, bu t now, a lot of families hangout, going to malls, watching movies or shopping. Now, malls are already part of lots of families. They use malls to bond their relationships with their loved ones. Experiencing the Joy Inside the mall Is a great thing, they offer something that everyone will love that Is why Filipinos come back and enjoy walking and sighting things Inside It.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gravity essays

Gravity essays Hypothesis-When a constant force is put upon an object the object will then have a constant velocity in movement. Background-In order to conduct these experiments knowledge of gravity and resistance towards gravity had to acquired. Also graph matching with the computer program Logger Pro had to be used to give accurate graphs. Experiments-To conduct the various experiments it was required that you have a computer running Logger Pro that is also connected to a Vernier Motion Detector. Also many objects showing a direct relationship with the laws of motion. For example a board is needed to be used as an incline with a dynamics cart to show that gravity has a constant force on the cart causing constant acceleration. This is shown very well when the cart is rolling down the incline and can be measured precisely when using a motion detector. However the force might not be perfectly constant because of too much friction caused by bumps in the board and bad bearings for the wheels on the dynamics cart. Comparison-When comparing the predicted distance vs. time graph against the actual graph for the pendulum experiment the percentage of error was .018. For the velocity vs. time graph the percentage of error was .038 these results were shown by using the comparison of both graphs by using an algebraic curve. Conclusion-The experiments all can clearly show how motion and its laws affect everything around us. Also these experiments bring more truth and support my hypothesis stating constant force makes constant movement. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Relieve Your Academic Woes by Finding The Best Term Paper Writing Services

Relieve Your Academic Woes by Finding The Best Term Paper Writing Services Every time you receive a term paper assignment, its a real nightmare. You have to study course materials, research, and take notes. Then you have to keep everything organized, write an outline, rough draft, then finally your final copy of your term paper. You stay up late, miss sleep, and survive on cereal and energy drinks just to get through. When you get to class, youre so exhausted you can barely pay attention. Then you notice something. There are other students who seem to be having a super easy time. Are they just really smart? It could be, or they may be using custom term paper writing services. Custom term paper writing services do the job of paper writing so you dont have to. The trick is finding the best writing service for your money. Here are X tips for doing just that. 1. Cheap Isnt Always Good A good term paper writing service employs qualified, college educated writers who create original papers according to your specifications. They also employ editors and other staff. They pay their employees well, and that is reflected in their prices. Untrustworthy companies either pay sweat shop wages for non English speaking writers to generate low quality work, or they simply steal papers off of the internet and resell them. Their prices are very cheap, but you are likely to get into academic trouble. Here is a good rule of thumb. Be very skeptical of any company that charges less than twelve dollars per page for a paper. 2. A Bad Website Nearly Always Means Bad Writing Website quality has a high correlation to writing quality. A writing company website should be well designed. All of the links should work. The pages should load quickly, and the site should be mobile friendly. In addition to this, the writing on the website should be very readable. There should be little to no spelling or grammatical errors. If a writing service website looks as if it was thrown together by an amateur, you can be certain that they do not offer quality term papers. 3. Look For Writing Samples But be Skeptical One way to know that you are using the best custom term paper writing services is to look at any writing samples. If they are low quality, move onto another company. You cannot risk spending money on a paper that you will have to correct. On the other hand, you should be skeptical. Many companies will use the best of the best writers for their samples. Thats no guarantee that you will receive the same quality. Take writing samples into consideration. Just be sure that you consider other factors as well. 4. Read The Reviews One great way to gauge whether or not you are working with a great content provider is to read reviews from both other students and professional reviewers. This will give you real insights into what actual customers and professionals experienced when they ordered term papers. Here, you will learn about pricing, customer service, writing quality, and extra features that may be available. Always find out what other people think. 5. Make Sure The Policies Match The Claims Money back guarantees! Free revisions! Satisfaction guaranteed! Many companies make all kinds of promises. What really counts is whether or not they follow through on their guarantees. To find this out, you have to read the policy pages. These are the pages that nobody reads that are usually linked at the bottom of a websites home page. Youll usually see, privacy policy, money back guarantee, revision policy, etc. Read these so that you know whether or not the promises made are really valid. Read the fine print! Its really important. Conclusion The next time you are in the market for term paper writing services, keep these five tips in mind. They will help you to find the best writing company to meet your needs.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

An Opinion on the Interpretation of the Constitution

An Opinion on the Interpretation of the Constitution Question 1 The Framers of the Constitution chose a Federal system for several reasons. Possibly, the most justified reason would be that the framers knew that there would be threats posed to individuals freedom. As we all know, federalism includes that national and state governments have their own separate powers to enact laws. If government was not separated, it would be to powerful and would more than likely use that power unjustly. Therefore, with separation, this helps grant individuals a fairer legal system, which is why federalism was chosen amongst other systems. Some other systems would include: confederation, anarchy, and unitary state. In McCulloch v Maryland federal power was at the heart of the debate. The case took place in the year 1819 and was one of the first and most important cases known to the legal system. It was to determine if the United States government had the capability to create a bank in Maryland and if Maryland was able to tax the government for this decision. In the end, the Supreme court ruled that federal government has the ability to pass laws that are not expressed in the Constitution. This was significant to the federal government’s power over the states. This allocation was possible through the Necessary and Proper Clause listed in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. New federalism is basically a philosophy that focuses on states rights. In its efforts it tries to transfer power that the federal government encompasses back to the states. The Devolution Revolution was started by the Reagan Administration due to past issues where the federal government was not adequate to make decisions. It was the efforts to slow down the power of the federal government and give back numerous powers and responsibilities back to the states. Since 1995, the United States has addressed issues of federalism by utilizing the principles of the Constitution, more specifically the power of the branches of government. What the Constitution claims about such powers should be the primary influence in federalism. Public policy of a state may differ from one to another. For example, some Florida laws may seem stupid to someone living in Pennsylvania. However, that state most likely imposed those laws for a specific reason. Federalism and Congressional powers are central to state or federal powers. If some form of agreement is not made on the part, there will be issues within that state. Public policy tries to enforce social laws that are generally unwritten, however, understood nonetheless. If these two powers cannot agree upon such social laws, then numerous issues will come of it. That is why, for example, all states must have a drinking age of 21, even if some states feel that this should be changed. It is agreed upon. I would not consider myself to be a federalist in todays times. That is, because I do not feel that states should unit and form a central authority. I feel this would cause more problems in the long run. The term federalist has changed increasingly since its origin to todays times, back then a federalist was an individual who supported the constitution and were committed to a much looser decentralized form of government. In today’s times, a federalist is simply someone who supports the unification of states as a central force. Liberals and Conservatives views of federalism differ from those of liberals and conservatives during the 18th and 19th century. During these times, the federalist was regarded with high respect and in high regard, however, today these views are not the same. Liberals and conservatives believe that big government ought to live up to their promises as well as have the citizens safety and best interest in mind. However, many discrepancies have arisen betwe en the government and their responsibilities to citizens, and many believe they have personal interest at heart. In the Wickard v. Filburn case, the Supreme court significantly increased the regulating authority of the federal government. Conservatives feel that it is our personal responsibility to provide ourselves with healthcare and believe in a limited form of government. However, liberals believe it is the governments duty to provide us with equality and to alleviate us of social ills. These two differ quite extensively, however, the liberals were more in favor of the rulings of Wickhard v. Filburn because it placed responsibility more so on the federal government rather than self. Federalism has both pros and cons associated with it. Some of the pros would include: protection against tyranny, diffusing power, more efficiency, and conflict management. Some of the cons associated with it include: advocated inequalities between states, blockage of Nationalist policies by the state, and racing to the bottom. In Chapter 3 of Faultlines it is debated as to whether states or national government should take lead in immigration reform. In my opinion, this duty should be granted by the national government. I feel that if states were granted such responsibilities, there would be little consistency in the matter. I think that it is the best interest of the national government to demise a plan of immigrant reform. In the end, consistency is key, it would be much simpler to have the national government handle such issues, since they have been the ones responsible for such issues historically. Question 2 The primary motives and assumptions of the framers of the constitution was to establish an effective government. One that was built for the people and would enable the nation to grow and change as well. It was to fix the issues known previously, and also had emphasis on core values such as liberty, equality, and democracy. They were under the assumption that the constitution would be built on such core beliefs and be a good representation of rights each American deserves. Some of the most important values built into the American political system of today are very similar to the values the founders believed in. In modern times, the political system is concerned with liberty, equality, and property. As we can see, the ideas of liberty and equality have remained the same from earlier times until more modern days. Democracy is the leading difference. The founders were more concerned with democracy within their political arena than individuals are today. I think the reason for this is bec ause many feel their opinions and votes do not matter. Not to mention that when voting, its generally the choice between the lesser of two evils. A constitutional democracy is a system within the government that ultimately has a very well-defined limitations set on political authorities. Constitutionalism is strict adherence to the principles within the constitution. Madison’s view of human nature affected his theory of government. Madison, as you presumably know, saw the wickedness in human instinct, yet in the meantime observed temperance too. He trusted that the legislature would be the genuine impression of the general population it spoke to and it must not fit in with the disasters of human instinct. Along these lines, consequently, his perspectives of human instinct influenced his hypothesis in government by constraining the energy of the legislature to anticipate defilement. His theory is represented in ideas of democracy because him as well as other framers wanted a republican democracy. Self-interest was also a vastly debated argument of these individuals as well. Economic conditions also impacted democracy sig nificantly as well. One major area of division at the time of the constitutional convention was between smaller and larger states. The smaller states felt that every state, regardless of size should have the same amount of congress representatives. However, the larger states felt that with having a larger population, they should be granted more representatives. It was resolved by having a singular house of congress, and representatives are based on population. With each state being granted at least one representative and each state was to have at least two senators no matter what its population was. There were three compromises that were necessary prior to ratifying the constitution. These included: Great Compromise (Connecticut compromise), the three-fifths compromise, and the trade compromise. Equality within the Constitution is found within the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. The 13th is designated to abolish slavery. The 14th allowed freed slaves to be citizens of the United States. And lastly, the 15th amendment allowed the right to vote to any man of any race. Marbury v. Madison created judicial review in the government system. Judicial review is basically the power allocated to federal courts to proclaim legislative and executive acts unconstitutional. It was highly significant, and the constitution claimed it to be the supreme law of the land. This case was highly important when decided because it was actually the first Supreme court case to apply ideas of judicial review. It allowed federal courts to ultimately void any act of Congress that were in opposition to the constitution. It fully placed the constitutions ideas in place. The development of democracy was also influenced by this case. Individuals now had a checks and balances system. It added for a more democratic system. The implications of this within the political system is that congress and even the president can be unconstitutional, however, judicial review is the mediator of this. They will stop things that are unconstitutional. I feel that the constitution should be fundamentally changed. Some of the issues within that should be considered would be the first amendment and the second in my opinion. In recent times, the freedom of speech has been a very controversial issue. Whether it’s the instance of Roseanne or college students seeking safe space at universities. I feel that freedom of speech isn’t really free, because it oppresses many individuals. Another consideration would be the second amendment as well. Gun reform is certainly another largely controversial topic in today’s times. I think some changes need to be made on those parts as well. Also, it needs be more modernized with adding some of the issues we face today. For example, with science increasing significantly, we must place limitations within. Should we allow stem cell research and the ability to manipulate the characteristics of embryos. Question 3 In my opinion views of Breyers should be considered when interpreting the Constitution. Unlike Scalia, Breyer believes that there should be a living constitution approach. What that means is basically that there is a dynamic meaning within the pages of the constitution. Its basic claims are not stuck in the ideas of hundreds of years ago, rather concerned with modern times in such approaches. The constitution was written in the year 1787, that is nearly 231 years ago. As we all know, society, beliefs, and individual’s roles are quite different in modern times when compared to the year the constitution was written. Although, the constitution does provide a good outline, it is inadequate in being a valid representation of today’s society and therefore, is nothing but an outdated template of original value systems of society from the year of 1787. Do not get me wrong, this documents idea has held up quite well, however, as we change as a society, we need documentation that is dynamic and relevant to todays day and age. Which is why I feel that Breyers visions and assertions are most logical in such debates. No document can last forever, because no era is exactly the same. Advancements are always underway in order to improve society and life in general. The constitution is very much a living document and has the capacity to grow and be altered as it already has within the years. Numerous additions and underlying interpretations have already occurred from its earlier days. For instance, the framers discussed nothing specifically on same sex marriages. However, in 2015, the supreme court ruled same sex marriages as one of our civil rights. Civil rights were established in the constitution by the framers, however, it took deeper analyzation to understand that same sex marriages were in fact about equality and is a right that all individuals deserve. This is an example of an idea of a living constitution because it takes basic principles outlined in the constitution and applies more modernized interpretations of them. During the ages of the framers, same sex marriage was not a pressing issue, therefore, it was not directly addressed. Even the framers knew that this document was lacking some ideas and would need changed at one point or a nother. Although, they did make this document very difficult to alter, there have been some changes already made. I agree with Breyer that a living constitution should be in order, because the underlying ideas conceptualized by the framers are very rational and fair, however, dynamic ideas are a certainty with such a document as this. Scalia claimed that the living constitution will destroy the constitution. What is meant by this is that politics will evidently enter law. Therefore, this idea would be against same sex marriages since they are not exclusively discussed within the constitution. However, I feel that this approach is severely lacking. There are several things not exclusively discussed in the constitution such as stem cell research and other scientifically fueled ideas, however, if we fail to allow such, our society will surely not advance. We simply are in need of a document that encompasses the founders ideas, but also allows for alternation and analysis.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stock Performance Trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stock Performance Trends - Essay Example One disturbing figure as of now is that the company's EPS has gone down to negative figure ($ -0.38). But seeing the kind of activity visible in the stock, it still appears to be a favorite stock, thanks to strong fundamentals. The stock experienced very high levels of volatility during the previous 12 months. The stock kept following the NASDAQ-100 index till about April this year, but thereafter it has been consistently underperforming. That has to be slight cause of worry for my company MPC. Similar trend was seen in its performance as compared to S&P-500. After April 2006 the stock is yet to catch up with the index. After August 2006 though the stock is making consistent progress while the market has been more or less stagnant. Particularly the last three months (Sept-Oct 2006) have shown some encouraging trends in the stock price. If we analyze the stock during the last 24 months, we find that the share traded at prices even less than $24 during February and March 2005, but therefore the stock discovered a smart recovery and rallied all the way to touch the latest 52 week high. The stock has been experiencing some amount of volatility though, but that is quite commensurate with the overall share market trend. In fact as compared to NASDAQ 100 the stock has shown good maturity.

English Legal System & Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English Legal System & Practice - Essay Example 3) Ordinary words must be construed in their common meaning, and technical terms are to given their technical meaning, unless absurdity would result (golden rule). 4) When an Act has a curing of defect in the law for its purpose, any ambiguity shall be resolved in such a way so as to fulfil that aim (mischief rule). 5) When a list of specific items that belong to the same class is followed by general words, the general words are to be regarded as confined to the other items of the same class (the rule ejusdem generis (â€Å"of the same kind†). 6) When a list of specific items is not followed by general words, it is to be regarded as exhaustive (the rule expressio unius est exclusio alterius (â€Å"the inclusion of the one is the exclusion of the other†). 7) When a prior Act is found to be â€Å"on the like matter†, it can be used as an aid in construing the statute in question (the rule in paru materia, â€Å"on the like matter†). 8) When a word or group o f words has uncertain meaning, its construction should proceed in the light of its surrounding words (the rule noscitur a sociis (â€Å"known by its associates†). (â€Å"Rules and Principles of Statutory Interpretation† 295). In addition to these rules, there exist several general presumptions with regard to interpretation of statutes. The latter are presumed: not to bind the Crown in its decisions; not to operate retrospectively in the sphere of substantive (but not procedural) law; not to infringe upon vested rights; not to interfere with the jurisdiction of the courts; and not to contravene Acts on constitutional rights or norms of international law (â€Å"Rules and Principles of Statutory Interpretation† 295). The aforementioned rules of statutory interpretation may be illustrated by the following examples. In London and North Eastern Railway Co v Berriman (1946) the court decided that the claims of damages by the widow of the railway worker knocked down and killed by a train should not be satisfied as the statute provided that compensation was available to workers killed when engaging in ‘relaying or repairing’ tracks, while the worker in question was involved in doing routine maintenance, which the court deemed not being within the meaning of ‘relaying or repairing’ (Elliott and Quinn 44). This case may be taken as an example of literal rule in practice. The golden rule was used in interpretation of Section 57 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 in R v Allen (1872), when the court ruled that the phrase â€Å"whosoever being married shall marry any other person during the life of former husband or wife... shall be guilty of bigamy† led to the absurd conclusions, as it was impossible for a person already married to ‘marry’ anyone else, and the wording was accordingly changed from ‘shall marry’ to ‘shall go through a marriage ceremony’ (Elliott and Quinn 46) . Finally, the case of L’Office Cherifien des Phosphates Unitramp SA v Yamashita-Shinnihon Steamship Co Ltd (The Boucraa) (1994) demonstrated the application of presumption against retrospective effect in court ruling (Elliott and Quinn 50). This and other cases show how the rules of statutory interpretation are applied in the English case law. 2. The System of Judicial Precedent and the Right of House of Lords not to Be Bound by Its Own Past Decisions The modern English case law grew up out of standardisation of various ‘common laws’ of England undertaken by William the Conqueror in the second half of the 11th

G-20 and other Global Organizations Research Paper

G-20 and other Global Organizations - Research Paper Example G-20 initiates close cooperation with other international organizations like World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Financial Stability Board, and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; moreover, experts from private and governmental organizations have been invited to the summit on an ad hoc basis ( New financial policies adopted by the core committee have evoked severe response from the public in many countries, particularly, Canada. Toronto was the hot potato during this jolt as it gathered world’s major financial leaders amidst warnings that their failure to cooperate on core financial and economic issues cold cost tens of millions of jobs across the globe. The inapplicability of the policies of G-8 resulted in framing a more powerful G-20 to overcome the financial crises the world face at the moment. The G-20 richest countries in the world gathered to facilitate discussions on international financial meltdown and finding out repairs to international capitalist system. The problem starts when the G-20 meeting is announced as the protestors keep in focus the issues related to continued lockouts and strikes at factories, job cuts, pension destructions, eviction of houses, rise in unemployment, uncertainty and homelessness of employees. The meeting essentially takes place to discuss only problems such as recession, bank failures, regulatory wreckage, falling trade, rising unemployment and anti poverty targets. Whenever there is a G-20 meet, it is common to see a large crowd of people gathering at the spot to protest the meeting with various reasons of their claims. As reported by Schneider & Wilson (2010), Toronto’s policy intended to further exploit the environment and people sing a system that sustains colonialism, wars and displacement was opposed largely by a gathering of tens of thousands of people at Toronto. The activists were capable of demonstrating their struggles

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Enabling healthcare through ICT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Enabling healthcare through ICT - Assignment Example In addition, one can tell whether the information is valid and accurate by checking whether there is supporting evidence from scientific studies (Kuo, et al, 2013). However, the surest way is by seeking health officer’s advice on such information. They are better placed to pinpoint accurate and inaccurate information. Â  Community resources are funded by people in a particular local area. The main purpose of such resources is to improve standards of living rather than waiting for the federal and state programs. Most of the community resources entail the provision of services in healthcare and education. However, the state and federal governments are required to offer these services to the community. For instance, federal resources include those that are basic to the community. Programs such as Medicaid and Medicare as well as supporting and funding other programs fall under the federal government. This is aimed at bringing services closer to the people. Nevertheless, the state is accorded greater authority of the federal funding in order to monitor and regulate federal governments spending.

Ibuprofen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ibuprofen - Essay Example However, other websites say that it is 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propanoic acid, where methylpropyl is replaced with isobutyl (Broyles, 2009). First of all, Ibuprofen is a propanoic acid, which is a carboxylic acid, characterized by a –COOH tail, and is an organic hydrocarbon molecule with three carbons, which is a property of the basic propane structure. Its being a propanoic acid gives Ibuprofen its pharmacologic properties – analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory – because it is its carboxylic end that reacts with the enzymes that help produce pain hormones. Moreover, Ibuprofen is a chiral or aromatic compound because of its benzene ring or phenyl group, which is attached to the second carbon. Furthermore, there is an isobutyl group, which is made up of four carbons, attached to the second carbon of the phenyl group. Ibuprofen has two optical isomers, the R- and the S+ forms, and where the S+ form has distinct pharmacologic properties and has a significant role in inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. The R- form, on the other hand, has no anti-inflammatory effect. Nevertheless, an enzyme in the human body naturally converts R- isomers of Ibuprofen into the useful S+ forms, thus increasing the total active forms of Ibuprofen in the body (â€Å"The Structure of Ibuprofen,† 2012). According to information from the University of Oxford Department of Chemistry, Ibuprofen is â€Å"only slightly soluble in water but readily soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol† (â€Å"Ibuprofen,† University of Oxford, 2012). Other sources, however, say that Ibuprofen is insoluble in cold water (â€Å"Material Safety,† 2012). The insolubility of Ibuprofen is due to the presence of the non-polar covalent bonds present in the hydrocarbon chains, which are not soluble in polar compounds like water. In fact, this particular physical property of Ibuprofen accounts for some of its less significant pharmacologic effects. Other physical properties

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

G-20 and other Global Organizations Research Paper

G-20 and other Global Organizations - Research Paper Example G-20 initiates close cooperation with other international organizations like World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Financial Stability Board, and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; moreover, experts from private and governmental organizations have been invited to the summit on an ad hoc basis ( New financial policies adopted by the core committee have evoked severe response from the public in many countries, particularly, Canada. Toronto was the hot potato during this jolt as it gathered world’s major financial leaders amidst warnings that their failure to cooperate on core financial and economic issues cold cost tens of millions of jobs across the globe. The inapplicability of the policies of G-8 resulted in framing a more powerful G-20 to overcome the financial crises the world face at the moment. The G-20 richest countries in the world gathered to facilitate discussions on international financial meltdown and finding out repairs to international capitalist system. The problem starts when the G-20 meeting is announced as the protestors keep in focus the issues related to continued lockouts and strikes at factories, job cuts, pension destructions, eviction of houses, rise in unemployment, uncertainty and homelessness of employees. The meeting essentially takes place to discuss only problems such as recession, bank failures, regulatory wreckage, falling trade, rising unemployment and anti poverty targets. Whenever there is a G-20 meet, it is common to see a large crowd of people gathering at the spot to protest the meeting with various reasons of their claims. As reported by Schneider & Wilson (2010), Toronto’s policy intended to further exploit the environment and people sing a system that sustains colonialism, wars and displacement was opposed largely by a gathering of tens of thousands of people at Toronto. The activists were capable of demonstrating their struggles

Ibuprofen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ibuprofen - Essay Example However, other websites say that it is 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propanoic acid, where methylpropyl is replaced with isobutyl (Broyles, 2009). First of all, Ibuprofen is a propanoic acid, which is a carboxylic acid, characterized by a –COOH tail, and is an organic hydrocarbon molecule with three carbons, which is a property of the basic propane structure. Its being a propanoic acid gives Ibuprofen its pharmacologic properties – analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory – because it is its carboxylic end that reacts with the enzymes that help produce pain hormones. Moreover, Ibuprofen is a chiral or aromatic compound because of its benzene ring or phenyl group, which is attached to the second carbon. Furthermore, there is an isobutyl group, which is made up of four carbons, attached to the second carbon of the phenyl group. Ibuprofen has two optical isomers, the R- and the S+ forms, and where the S+ form has distinct pharmacologic properties and has a significant role in inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. The R- form, on the other hand, has no anti-inflammatory effect. Nevertheless, an enzyme in the human body naturally converts R- isomers of Ibuprofen into the useful S+ forms, thus increasing the total active forms of Ibuprofen in the body (â€Å"The Structure of Ibuprofen,† 2012). According to information from the University of Oxford Department of Chemistry, Ibuprofen is â€Å"only slightly soluble in water but readily soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol† (â€Å"Ibuprofen,† University of Oxford, 2012). Other sources, however, say that Ibuprofen is insoluble in cold water (â€Å"Material Safety,† 2012). The insolubility of Ibuprofen is due to the presence of the non-polar covalent bonds present in the hydrocarbon chains, which are not soluble in polar compounds like water. In fact, this particular physical property of Ibuprofen accounts for some of its less significant pharmacologic effects. Other physical properties

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Adolf Hitlers political views Essay Example for Free

Adolf Hitlers political views Essay After World War I, Hitler returned to Munich.[75] Having no formal education and career prospects, he tried to remain in the army for as long as possible.[76] In July 1919 he was appointed Verbindungsmann (intelligence agent) of an Aufklà ¤rungskommando (reconnaissance commando) of the Reichswehr, to influence other soldiers and to infiltrate the German Workers Party (DAP). While monitoring the activities of the DAP, Hitler became attracted to the founder Anton Drexlers antisemitic, nationalist, anti-capitalist, and anti-Marxist ideas.[77] Drexler favoured a strong active government, a non-Jewish version of socialism, and solidarity among all members of society. Impressed with Hitlers oratory skills, Drexler invited him to join the DAP. Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the partys 55th member.[79] A copy of Adolf Hitlers German Workers Party (DAP) membership card At the DAP, Hitler met Dietrich Eckart, one of the partys founders and a member of the occult Thule Society.[80] Eckart became Hitlers mentor, exchanging ideas with him and introducing him to a wide range of people in Munich society.[81] To increase its appeal, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party – NSDAP).[82] Hitler designed the partys banner of a swastika in a white circle on a red background.[83] Hitler was discharged from the army in March 1920 and began working full-time for the NSDAP. In February 1921—already highly effective at speaking to large audiences—he spoke to a crowd of over 6,000 in Munich.[84] To publicise the meeting, two truckloads of party supporters drove around town waving swastika flags and throwing leaflets. Hitler soon gained notoriety for his rowdy polemic speeches against the Treaty of Versailles, rival politicians, and especially against Marxists and Jews.[85] At the time, the NSDAP was centred in Munich, a major hotbed of anti-government German nationalists determined to crush Marxism and undermine the Weimar Republic.[86] In June 1921, while Hitler and Eckart were on a fundraising trip to Berlin, a mutiny broke out within the NSDAP in Munich. Members of the its executive committee, some of whom considered Hitler to be too overbearing, wanted to merge with the rival German Socialist Party (DSP).[87] Hitler returned to Munich on 11 July and angrily tendered his resignation. The committee members realised his resignation would mean the end of the party.[88] Hitler announced he would rejoin on the condition that he would replace Drexler as party chairman, and that the party headquarters would remain in Munich.[89] The committee agreed; he rejoined the party as member 3,680. He still faced some opposition within the NSDAP: Hermann Esser and his allies printed 3,000 copies of a pamphlet attacking Hitler as a traitor to the party.[89][a] In the following days, Hitler spoke to several packed houses and defended himself, to thunderous applause. His strategy proved successful: at a general membership meeting, he was granted absolute powers as party chairman, with only one nay vote cast.[90] Hitlers vitriolic beer hall speeches began attracting regular audiences. He became adept at using populist themes targeted at his audience, including the use of scapegoats who could be blamed for the economic hardships of his listeners.[91][92][93] Historians have noted the hypnotic effect of his rhetoric on large audiences, and of his eyes in small groups. Kessel writes, Overwhelmingly Germans speak with mystification of Hitlers hypnotic appeal. The word shows up again and again; Hitler is said to have mesmerized the nation, captured them in a trance from which they could not break loose.[94] Historian Hugh Trevor-Roper described the fascination of those eyes, which had bewitched so many seemingly sober men.[95] He used his personal magnetism and an understanding of crowd psychology to his advantage while engaged in public speaking.[96][97] Alfons Heck, a former member of the Hitler Youth, describes the reaction to a speech by Hitler: We erupted into a frenzy of nationalistic pride that bordered on hysteria. For minutes on end, we shouted at the top of our lungs, with tears streaming down our faces: Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil! From that moment on, I belonged to Adolf Hitler body and soul.[98] Although his oratory skills and personal traits were generally received well by large crowds and at official events, some who had met Hitler privately noted that his appearance and demeanour failed to make a lasting impression.[99][100] Early followers included Rudolf Hess, former air force pilot Hermann Gà ¶ring, and army captain Ernst Rà ¶hm. Rà ¶hm became head of the Nazis paramilitary organisation, the Sturmabteilung (SA, Stormtroopers), which protected meetings and frequently attacked political opponents. A critical influence on his thinking during this period was the Aufbau Vereinigung,[101] a conspiratorial group of White Russian exiles and early National Socialists. The group, financed with funds channelled from wealthy industrialists like Henry Ford, introduced Hitler to the idea of a Jewish conspiracy, linking international finance with Bolshevism.[102] Beer Hall Putsch Main article: Beer Hall Putsch Drawing of Hitler (30 October 1923) Hitler enlisted the help of World War I General Erich Ludendorff for an attempted coup known as the Beer Hall Putsch. The Nazi Party used Italian Fascism as a model for their appearance and policies. Hitler wanted to emulate Benito Mussolinis March on Rome (1922) by staging his own coup in Bavaria, to be followed by challenging the government in Berlin. Hitler and Ludendorff sought the support of Staatskommissar (state commissioner) Gustav von Kahr, Bavarias de facto ruler. However, Kahr, along with Police Chief Hans Ritter von Seisser (Seißer) and Reichswehr General Otto von Lossow, wanted to install a nationalist dictatorship without Hitler.[103] Hitler wanted to seize a critical moment for successful popular agitation and support.[104] On 8 November 1923 he and the SA stormed a public meeting of 3,000 people that had been organised by Kahr in the Bà ¼rgerbrà ¤ukeller, a large beer hall in Munich. Hitler interrupted Kahrs speech and announced that the national revolution had begun, declaring the formation of a new government with Ludendorff.[105] Retiring to a backroom, Hitler, with handgun drawn, demanded and got the support of Kahr, Seisser, and Lossow.[105] Hitlers forces initially succeeded in occupying the local Reichswehr and police headquarters; however, Kahr and his consorts quickly withdrew their support and neither the army nor the state police joined forces with him.[106] The next day, Hitler and his followers marched from the beer hall to the Bavarian War Ministry to overthrow the Bavarian government, but police dispersed them.[107] Sixteen NSDAP members and four police officers were killed in the failed coup.[108] Hitler fled to the home of Ernst Hanfstaengl, and by some accounts contemplated suicide.[109] He was depressed but calm when arrested on 11 November 1923 for high treason.[110] His trial began in February 1924 before the special Peoples Court in Munich,[111] and Alfred Rosenberg became temporary leader of the NSDAP. On 1 April Hitler was sentenced to five years imprisonment at Landsberg Prison.[112] He received friendly treatment from the guards; he was allowed mail from supporters and regular visits by party comrades. The Bavarian Supreme Court issued a pardon and he was released from jail on 20 December 1924, against the state prosecutors objections.[113] Including time on remand, Hitler had served just over one year in prison.[114] Dust jacket of Mein Kampf (1926–1927) While at Landsberg, Hitler dictated most of the first volume of Mein Kampf (My Struggle; originally entitled Four and a Half Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice) to his deputy, Rudolf Hess.[114] The book, dedicated to Thule Society member Dietrich Eckart, was an autobiography and an exposition of his ideology. Mein Kampf was influenced by The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant, which Hitler called my Bible.[115] The book laid out Hitlers plans for transforming German society into one World War II Early diplomatic successes Alliance with Japan Main article: Germany–Japan relations Hitler and the Japanese Foreign Minister, YÃ… suke Matsuoka, at a meeting in Berlin in March 1941. In the background is Joachim von Ribbentrop. In February 1938, on the advice of his newly appointed Foreign Minister, the strongly pro-Japanese Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitler ended the Sino-German alliance with the Republic of China to instead enter into an alliance with the more modern and powerful Japan. Hitler announced German recognition of Manchukuo, the Japanese-occupied state in Manchuria, and renounced German claims to their former colonies in the Pacific held by Japan.[195] Hitler ordered an end to arms shipments to China and recalled all German officers working with the Chinese Army.[195] In retaliation, Chinese General Chiang Kai-shek cancelled all Sino-German economic agreements, depriving the Germans of many Chinese raw materials.[196] Austria and Czechoslovakia On 12 March 1938 Hitler declared unification of Austria with Nazi Germany in the Anschluss.[197][198] Hitler then turned his attention to the ethnic German population of the Sudetenland district of Czechoslovakia.[199] On 28–29 March 1938 Hitler held a series of secret meetings in Berlin with Konrad Henlein of the Sudeten Heimfront (Home Front), the largest of the ethnic German parties of the Sudetenland. The men agreed that Henlein would demand increased autonomy for Sudeten Germans from the Czechoslovakian government, thus providing a pretext for German military action against Czechoslovakia. In April 1938 Henlein told the foreign minister of Hungary that whatever the Czech government might offer, he would always raise still higher demands he wanted to sabotage an understanding by all means because this was the only method to blow up Czechoslovakia quickly.[200] In private, Hitler considered the Sudeten issue unimportant; his real intention was a war of conquest against Cze choslovakia.[201] October 1938: Hitler (standing in the Mercedes) drives through the crowd in Cheb (German: Eger), part of the German-populated Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia, which was annexed to Nazi Germany due to the Munich Agreement In April Hitler ordered the OKW to prepare for Fall Grà ¼n (Case Green), the code name for an invasion of Czechoslovakia.[202] As a result of intense French and British diplomatic pressure, on 5 September Czechoslovakian President Edvard BeneÃ… ¡ unveiled the Fourth Plan for constitutional reorganisation of his country, which agreed to most of Henleins demands for Sudeten autonomy.[203] Henleins Heimfront responded to BeneÃ… ¡ offer with a series of violent clashes with the Czechoslovakian police that led to the declaration of martial law in certain Sudeten districts.[204][205] Germany was dependent on imported oil; a confrontation with Britain over the Czechoslovakian dispute could curtail Germanys oil supplies. Hitler called off Fall Grà ¼n, originally planned for 1 October 1938.[206] On 29 September Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Édouard Daladier, and Benito Mussolini attended a one-day conference in Munich that led to the Munich Agreement, which handed over the Sudetenland districts to Germany.[207][208] Jewish shops destroyed in Magdeburg, following Kristallnacht (November 1938) Chamberlain was satisfied with the Munich conference, calling the outcome peace for our time, while Hitler was angered about the missed opportunity for war in 1938;[209][210] he expressed his disappointment in a speech on 9 October in Saarbrà ¼cken.[211] In Hitlers view, the British-brokered peace, although favourable to the ostensible German demands, was a diplomatic defeat which spurred his intent of limiting British power to pave the way for the eastern expansion of Germany.[212][213] As a result of the summit, Hitler was selected Time magazines Man of the Year for 1938.[214] In late 1938 and early 1939, the continuing economic crisis caused by rearmament forced Hitler to make major defence cuts.[215] In his Export or die speech of 30 January 1939, he called for an economic offensive to increase German foreign exchange holdings to pay for raw materials such as high-grade iron needed for military weapons.[215] On 15 March 1939, in violation of the Munich accord and possibly as a result of the deepening economic crisis requiring additional assets,[216] Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to invade Prague, and from Prague Castle proclaimed Bohemia and Moravia a German protectorate.[217]

Monday, October 14, 2019

Samurais Values In The Tale Of Genji English Literature Essay

Samurais Values In The Tale Of Genji English Literature Essay The Tale of Genji is one of the greatest works in Japanese and world literature. It was created at the turn of X-XI centuries, in the era of rapid formation and flowering of Japanese culture.  Its author was a lady, known as Murasaki Shikibu. This books tells about the life of that period in Japan, having some historical incidents, including the life and traditions of samurai. It tells about the life of  Genji, a son of the  Japanese emperor, also known as Hikaru Genji. The tale concentrates on his romantic life and describes the customs of the aristocratic society of the time. Genjis was a well known man, respected and honorable, and also a good looking. His most important personality trait is the loyalty, the trait he shows to all the women in his life. Once Genji found a house on Gojo, over the roof of which he saw a green vine, with beautiful white flowers called yugao the twilight beauty. Soon Genji got acquainted with the lady of the house, they fell in love with each other, and he visited her every night. However, their happiness did not last long, as an evil spirit possessed Yugao and she suddenly died. Genji was so upset, he blamed himself for the death of his love. There is no telling how depressed and disappointed he was!. ( Puette, William J, 78) At the same time he kept everything in a secret, not to let anybody know what had happened, as it was a question of his reputation. With the help of Koremitsu, his confident, Yugaos funeral was held secretly, but with all due respect. One evening, one of Yugaos servant ladies Ukon told Genji who her mistress really was. Although she had blue blood in her veins, Yugao lost her parents when she was little. So shy and humble was Yugao that she would hide everything behind her sorrowful smiles. But her memories would never perish from Genjis heart. It is important to point out, that the main character was a samurai, so he had certain values. An outlook of Samurai Bushido is the unwritten code of conduct of Samurai in the society, it is a set of rules and norms of the true ideal of a warrior. Bushido means the way of the samurai, the warrior, in addition the word is also translated as duty, morality. Thus, bushido is samurai morality, virtue, moral and ethical code. Bushido is a practical morality, samurai believed it is method of improving mental and physical health.   Bushido was designed to teach proper life in feudal Japanese society.  It combined  a theory of existence and the study of the human psyche, and solved issues related to the notion of the essence of the individual, its role in the world,   meaning of life, good and evil, moral values and moral ideal. Samurai was keenly aware  of their moral duty, in particular their personal responsibilities in relation to overlord, had to assess their own actions and deeds,  morally condemn themselves if misconduct, breach of duty.( Puette, William J, 145) The main value of samurai, first of all, was loyalty to overlord, expressed in service to overlord, to be of service is to put another above yourself. Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person or cause. It relied the provisions of loyalty, drawn from Shinto, Buddhist belief in impermanence of all earthly things, which strengthened from a samurai spirit of sacrifice and do not fear death, and philosophy of Confucianism, which made loyalty of the first virtue. Near loyalty was the principle of duty. (Shirane, 45) One of the key value of Samurai was personal courage, unbending courage. True courage is to live, when lawfully to live, and die when lawfully to die. Samurai should go to the death with a clear consciousness of what to do and that is not worth his dignity. The sense of honor is also very important. The consciousness of self-esteem is brought up in Samurai from childhood.  Warriors strictly guarded their good name, a sense of shame was for the samurai hardest.  We can see at in the book, while Genji always behaved with sense of honor, he said : I should weigh every word and always ask myself, is it true that Im going to say. Also Genji was polite with women, he showed his good attitude and manners to all the women in his life, as he never abandoned any of them.  He had  the true goodness of the mind and spirit, the unbiased kindness to do good. Honor and glory valued higher than life for samurai, . In all his actions samurai was supposed to come from considerations of the higher justice and fairness. A true samurai had only one judge of his honor himself, as you cannot hide from yourself. It is important to point out such value as the Wisdom of Honesty, as honesty is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully, related to truth as a value, and Genji tried to be honest, and first of all with himself. So The Tale of Genji is one of the greatest works in Japanese literature, as it truly depicts life and traditions of samurai in that time. The tale of Genji shows socio-philosophical traditions of the society, it is devoted to samurai tradition, existed for thousands of years.  Those looking fierce and tough warriors, ready at any time to resort to his sharp shiny swords, were stern and ascetic life, full of inner discipline and poetry. Their whole life comes down to, to die with dignity, while maintaining their honor. Their world is based on honor, generosity, service, courage, sacrifice and a highly developed culture. Love theme is reflected very touching in the book, and sad heartfelt poetry with oriental motifs emphasizes the dramatic, romantic atmosphere and a samurai love theme of the book. Feel the deep meaning, a philosophy, and enjoy the overall beauty of the book, and also learn a lot from the eastern people patience, generosity, diligence, discipline, ability to appreciate every moment of life lived Work cited: Puette, William J.  Guide to the Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu. Rutland, (1983) Shirane, Haruo.  Envisioning the Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production. New York: Columbia University Press(2008) Morris, Ivan.  The World of the Shining Prince. New York, 1994. Mostow, Joshua S. Picturing   The Tale of Genji.  The Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese.  April 1999. (1-25)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Israeli Etgar Keret’s The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God, and Iranian

Abstract Colonization most assuredly produced altered states of consciousness, in which the fundamental sense of â€Å"rightness† was understood to be subjective and culturally constructed, rather than naturally true. In conjunction with this realization came the idea that identity is not something personally owned, but rather, something inscribed upon a body or culture by an agent of power. In this case, identities were projected onto the natives by the imperialists. The colonial enterprise, particularly the European imperialist projects in the east, has forever changed concepts of identity, otherness, and power in both the Occident and the Orient. Both sides were indisputably and irrevocably altered; however, the effect upon native cultures (the colonized) was far greater than the effect on the imperial cultures (the colonizers). European colonizers were able to cherry-pick the greatest parts of â€Å"new† culture—their art, their music, their architecture, or their cuisine—and adopt or adapt it to modern imperial life. In many ways, the cultural practices and artifacts of a newly colonized civilization were treated like the natural resources (oil, silk, spice) the Europeans were there to gather: they mattered only in their usefulness to the empire. Unlike their imperial counterparts, however, the native peoples had no choice which customs and practices to adopt, and which to discard. The sheer military might and natur e of the colonial enterprise demanded that the colonized completely adapt to the social and cultural norms of the empire. In essence, then, the colonized were forced to lead a life of double consciousness, wherein they participated in customs and practices and obeyed laws and regulations in which they did ... ...periences with Western ideology, Etgar Keret and Marjane Satrapi offers methods for claiming identity that do not revolve around blind attempts to return to cultural roots. Works Cited Ghanem, Mary, and Jihad Makhoul. "Displaced Arab Families: Mothers' Voices on Living and Coping in Postwar Beirut." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 5.3 (2009): 54-72. Web. 10 Dec 2009. Keret, Etgar. The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001. Print. Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Random House, 1978. Print. Satrapi, Marjane. The Complete Persepolis. New York: Pantheon, 2003. Print. Troen, S. Ilan. "Frontier Myths and Their Applications in America and Israel: A Transnational Perspective." Journal of American History 86.3 (1999): 55 paragraphs. Web. 10 Dec 2009. . Israeli Etgar Keret’s The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God, and Iranian Abstract Colonization most assuredly produced altered states of consciousness, in which the fundamental sense of â€Å"rightness† was understood to be subjective and culturally constructed, rather than naturally true. In conjunction with this realization came the idea that identity is not something personally owned, but rather, something inscribed upon a body or culture by an agent of power. In this case, identities were projected onto the natives by the imperialists. The colonial enterprise, particularly the European imperialist projects in the east, has forever changed concepts of identity, otherness, and power in both the Occident and the Orient. Both sides were indisputably and irrevocably altered; however, the effect upon native cultures (the colonized) was far greater than the effect on the imperial cultures (the colonizers). European colonizers were able to cherry-pick the greatest parts of â€Å"new† culture—their art, their music, their architecture, or their cuisine—and adopt or adapt it to modern imperial life. In many ways, the cultural practices and artifacts of a newly colonized civilization were treated like the natural resources (oil, silk, spice) the Europeans were there to gather: they mattered only in their usefulness to the empire. Unlike their imperial counterparts, however, the native peoples had no choice which customs and practices to adopt, and which to discard. The sheer military might and natur e of the colonial enterprise demanded that the colonized completely adapt to the social and cultural norms of the empire. In essence, then, the colonized were forced to lead a life of double consciousness, wherein they participated in customs and practices and obeyed laws and regulations in which they did ... ...periences with Western ideology, Etgar Keret and Marjane Satrapi offers methods for claiming identity that do not revolve around blind attempts to return to cultural roots. Works Cited Ghanem, Mary, and Jihad Makhoul. "Displaced Arab Families: Mothers' Voices on Living and Coping in Postwar Beirut." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 5.3 (2009): 54-72. Web. 10 Dec 2009. Keret, Etgar. The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001. Print. Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Random House, 1978. Print. Satrapi, Marjane. The Complete Persepolis. New York: Pantheon, 2003. Print. Troen, S. Ilan. "Frontier Myths and Their Applications in America and Israel: A Transnational Perspective." Journal of American History 86.3 (1999): 55 paragraphs. Web. 10 Dec 2009. .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Irish Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ireland has a great history of war, famine, despair, and hardship. Throughout the years the Irish have come from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs. In this paper I will give a history of the Irish people before coming to America, what it was coming here, how they were welcomed to their new home, and how they are faring now. I will also expose many of the stereotypes that the Irish have pinned to them and the reason that they are there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the early 1800's, the Irish had great success in the potato industry due to the high prices for agricultural products because of the war with England. Soon though, prices began to fall and so did productivity. For that reason, the owners of the farm land turned there plots into grazing areas. There was an addition problem though, what would happen to the hundreds of other farmers that worked the land? One popular solution for most â€Å"landlords†, as they were called, was to evict all the tenants, whether they were paid up for rent or not. Then they would destroy their homes so that they could not return.(No author 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The now homeless people turned to secret organizations to retaliate against the people that they once depended on to live their lives. Some names of these groups were Rightboys, Thrashers, Ribbonmen, and Whitefoots.(No author 1). When these vigilantes were caught, their punishments were severe. Something as simple as stealing a piece of bread could land you a multiple year sentence in prison. To add insult to injury, the prisons that these people were sent to was in Australia, many miles away from there homes. It was thought that things for the Irish could not get any worse, but in 1845 that is just what happened.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The potato was a very significant part of the Irish way of life. It is one of the few foods that a person can survive solely on. Many homes lived exclusively on the potato, they could   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ... ...e in their new country. Now all we have to do as a society is drop all the foolish stereotypes that most of us still have and let the Irish be the Irish, Whites be the Whites, the Blacks be the Blacks and so on. Who cares where people come from or what has happened in the past? We are in the here and now, no need to look back on things done long ago. Put the past behind and the future in front and I think that America would be better off.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Connery, Donald. The Irish   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Simon and Schuster. New York, NY. 1968 Kennedy, Robert. The Irish   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  University of California Press. Berkley and Los Angeles California. 1973 Larson, Audrey. History of Ireland   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2-27-2004 McCarthy, Joe. The World Library: Ireland   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Time Incorporated. New York, NY. 1964 O Grada, Cormac. Black ‘47 and Beyond   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey. 1999 No Author. Http://   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚